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SMD 타입 가변저항

by 여기에 2014. 7. 11.
제품코드G042120[G042120] SMD 타입 가변저항
판매 회사명동양전기공업(주)
SMD 타입 가변저항

제품 상세 정보 (Product Features)

* Space Saving Size
* Easily adjusts with standard screwdriver.
* Metal-glaze resistance element gives excellent stability and protection against environmental factors.
* Can be mounted to a circuit board with adhesive.
* Designed for reflow soldering.
* Supplied in 8mm tape for automatic assembly equipment.
* Conform RoHS

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※ 유의사항

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자세한 데이터시트를 원하실 때에는 당사에 문의 바랍니다.

Technical Data

Endurance cycles10cycles
Adjustment TravelEndless(effective angle260±20)
Resistance Range100Ω~2.2MΩ
Resistance ToleranceWithin ±30%
Power Rating0.15 W at 70℃
Maximum Rated VoltageAC50V, DC50V
Temperatuer Range-40℃~100℃
Rotational Torque0.5 to 15mN?m
